Snowman Craft Round-Up

It snowed again.  At this point, even I am going a little nutty from all the snow.  I remember having a winter similar to this several years ago when it seemed like a new snow system blew through every few days but the timing of the snowfall must have been much different because I don’t feel like the schools were closed near as much nor were the roads such a nightmare (hence the schools being closed.)  And February is usually the bigger snow month for us…and March usually brings the heaviest snows.  Man…I’m afraid we have a long couple months ahead of us.  I’ve gone from loving all this snow to wishing back the winter/spring of 2012 when we had nearly no snow & it was in the 70s and 80s from late February on.  THAT was a bizarre year.

Anywho…oh yes.  Because of all this snow, Buddy has been especially interested in snowmen this year so I’ve been doing all kinds of research (read: hanging out on Pinterest) trying to find the cutest snow/snowman crafts for us to make.  My original plan was for me to make one and share it with you but then I figured…why not let you choose!  So here’s my great big list o’ snow fun….enjoy!


Felt Frosty the Snowman by Amanda at Little Giggler–This is so cute!  Reminds me of my felt Christmas tree from last month. The trick with Frosty is to make sure he has a background so his arms, hats, and other accessories have support/something to stick to.  Amanda uses velcro to give her pieces extra staying power but I think it would be just fine without…especially if you use single layers of felt & skip all the stuffing and sewing.

Make your own Snowman Kit by Sometimes Creative–You might remember Buddy’s snowman kit from earlier this month (that we’re still waiting to use…the last snow that was enough to play in came with such bitter temps we weren’t able to play!)   Ours was store bought but this homemade one looks really easy and so cute!

Shredded Paper Snowman

Make a Paper Shred Snowman by Marie LeBaron at Babycenter–Have a shredder? Then you can easily make this cute craft!  I like the idea of letting your child paint the glue on so it’s not too thick (and won’t take forever to dry…hopefully!)

Paper Plate Snowman

This Paper Plate Snowman by Spoonful is just adorable.  Would be big but you could use dessert-sized plates for a smaller scale craft. (By the way…who decided the dessert size should be so small?  I demand to know!)

Melted snowman craft

Perhaps making a Melted Snowman Picture would be perfect for your little one.  I can’t wait to do this with Buddy.  He’s been into painting A LOT lately and since he’s only two…well…his masterpieces often resemble master-messes instead so this would be perfect!  You could use plain white paint OR you could use the same mixture we used for our puffy ghosts back in October!  So cute!

Craftulate: Snowman Suncatcher

This Contact Paper Snowman Suncatcher  by Georgina at Craftulate is a darling idea! I’ve seen this sort of contact paper/suncatcher craft before but never tried it.  Maybe this one will be the one to nudge me over the edge.  Or something like that. 🙂

fingerprint snow globe snowman craft

I love anything involving finger painting so this Fingerprint Snow Globe Craft by Sassy Dealz caught my eye right away.  Simple and quick if you don’t mind a little mess.

Snowman craft for kids

This Paper Doily Snowman craft on had me smacking myself in the forehead.  Why didn’t I think of this? Believe it or not I have a bunch of doilies in my basement…guess what we’ll be making later!

String Cheese Snowman

Not really a craft but OMG are these Cheese Stick Snowmen from not the cutest thing ever? Our day to bring snack to Buddy’s class was recently skipped over due to a snow day (ironic?) but maybe if we get another chance before spring break I’ll send these. Too. Stinkin. Cute.

Paint Stick Snowman Snow Ruler

One more from (go check them out…they have over 100 adorable snowman crafts and snacks!) I’ve seen paint sticks used for snowman crafts but the idea for turning it into a ruler to measure the snow is new and cute!  Promotes terrific early math skills as well.  Love it.

What has your family been doing to pass the time as January drags on…and on…and on??

2 thoughts on “Snowman Craft Round-Up

  1. These are great ideas. But don’t forget the marshmallow snowmen that you can toss into the hot chocolate when you are finished building them!

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