Mandy’s Holiday Newsletter

Mandy's holiday newsletter

Happy Holidays Friends! This time of year always makes me want to slow down and think about people and things that are important to me. All of our Gaining Mommymentum readers and followers have been so wonderful and supportive as Lauren and I have created, shared and developed our blog. Thank you!

You may (hopefully!) have noticed that I haven’t been posting as frequently as I did in the past year. Several factors contributed to this. The main reason has to do with some big news we learned in September. This about sums it up….

Pumpkin birth announcement

I’ve completed my first trimester and am doing great. It has been exhausting working full-time, being a mother to two young children and having severe nausea most days. But it’s much better now and I’m feeling more like my old self. As I’ve written about previously, being a mom isn’t about balance, but about give and take. Unfortunately, I had to give up blogging for a while to keep my sanity. You all understand, right? 🙂

In addition to the joyous news of baby #3, we’ve learned recently that Baybay (2 year-old girl) has some sensory needs that require occupational therapy. I’m familiar with the basic principles of sensory processing, but I feel very new to being the parent of an official sensory seeker. It has been really helpful in understanding my little girl and learning what makes her tick. I’ve got several great books that I’ve started reading and as I learn more I will share with you and hopefully get your feedback and ideas. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome as I still feel a bit overwhelmed.

The Bear (4 year-old boy) is turning into such a little man! He is obsessed with technology- Leap Pad, Wii, time with mom and dad’s tablets, trying desperately to get the hand-eye coordination needed to play Mario Kart. The screen time issue is a big deal around our house. We’re trying to be consistent, but it’s challenging to say no to so many requests! I think I see a chart in our future. Stay tuned!

I’m also very excited to announce that this spring I will be an aunt for the first time! My brother and his wife are expecting their first child about a month before I’m due. I can’t wait!

cousins say hi

Finally, I got a new haircut. Super easy, takes 5 minutes to get ready. Totally love it!


 I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season. Here’s to a happy new year in 2015!


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